Posts tagged rest
eastertide rest

This Lent, I saw Christ's power take over in my weakness. I found Christ pinpointing the places where I've been lazy and need to take initiative, and the places where I'm over-committed and in need of rest. For Eastertide, I'm taking a break from my online presence. After Pentecost, I hope to return rested and ready to continue my explorations of food and faith with you all.

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stubborn hope

Advent is my favorite season of the liturgical year. 

Or perhaps not necessarily my favorite – I do love the feasts of Christmastide and Eastertide – but it is the season with which I resonate the most. 
The tension.
The remembrance of what is already juxtaposed with what is not yet.
The remembrance that Christ has come, the anticipation that Christ will come again.

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still, today

I recently read through every blog post that I have written in the past seven years – each misspelled word, incorrect punctuation, and overused exclamation mark reminding me of the time I spent typing from a cell phone on a hostel bed or to the methodical sway of a sailing ship.

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rest enough

As I entered the season of Lent, I prayed for the opportunity to slow down and rest. Anxious over finances, school, and plans for the future, I looked forward to the period of the liturgical calendar in which I could reorient my daily rhythms and seek to find contentment in the patterns of my life right now.

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